To sign up for a free consultation with Pro Financial Fitness to see how we can help your NC nonprofit, your for-profit business, and even prepare your personal taxes, then please email Seabringna McCants at

If your non-profit would like help with 990 services, pre-audit services, or special projects, then please contact Robert Schneider at

If your non-profit would like help with fundraising or managing a Board of Director Retreat, then please contact Sarah Shore at

Dear NC non-profits (and even non-profits in the other 49 states),

Please take some time out of your day to fill out a survey (5-10 minutes max) to help Pro Financial Fitness understand if PFF can meet your business needs. Thank you for your time.

Awesome Tax-Saving Strategies You Might Not Know About


Who doesn’t love finding ways to save on taxes? Is there a practical method to reduce taxable income in the U.S.? Effective tax planning makes it possible! Let’s discuss some practical and perhaps lesser-known strategies to reduce your taxable income in the U.S.

  • Maximize Your 401(k) or Traditional IRA Contributions

    One of the simplest and most beneficial ways to lower your taxable income is by contributing to a pre-tax retirement account like a 401(k) or a traditional IRA. When you contribute to these accounts, the money goes in before taxes, which means you’re reducing your taxable income for the year. Plus, your contributions grow tax-deferred until you withdraw them in retirement. Just remember, you’ll pay income tax on those funds when you do take them out, but hopefully, you’ll be in a lower tax bracket by then. This is something our tax and accounting services in Chapel Hill, NC can do.

  • Enroll in an Employee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP)

    Do you work for a publicly traded company? If so, check out if they offer an Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP). This plan lets you buy shares of your company at a discount using after-tax dollars from your paycheck. It’s a great way to invest in your company’s future and potentially benefit from its growth, all while saving some bucks on your taxes.

  • Contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA)

    Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are a triple tax-advantaged gem for those with high-deductible health plans. Contributions are tax-free or tax-deductible. Your HSA balance can grow tax-free if you invest it. And the best part? Any unused funds roll over year after year, building a nice cushion for future medical costs.

  • Deduct Your Student Loan Interest

    Got student loans? While they’re often a financial burden, there’s a silver lining. The interest you pay on your student loans can be deducted from your taxable income, up to a certain limit. This can be a straightforward way to lower your tax bill while you manage your loan repayments with financial services in North Carolina.

    These strategies can be incredibly effective, but everyone’s financial situation is unique. It’s always a good idea to consult with a tax professional to tailor these strategies to your personal circumstances and financial management in North Carolina.

Got questions or need more info? Pro Financial Fitness is here to help. We’re all about helping non-profits in North Carolina with budgeting. Let’s make tax season a little less stressful and a lot more beneficial for you and your advocacy! Get in touch today.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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